The customs procedure for handling clearances is changing

07. 18. 2022

HMRC is migrating away from its CHIEF (Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight) system to CDS, the Customs Declaration Service. The transition will be undertaken in two phases.

Imports On the 30th September, 2022 – The option to use this procedure will end.

Exports On the 31st March, 2023 – The option to use this procedure will end.

HM Customs – Why are they doing this?
“We want our borders IT systems to be fit for the future and support our ambitious plans for global trade. CHIEF has served the UK well, but it is nearly 30 years old.”

Access to CDS will be on GOV.UK via a Government Gateway Account:
CDS will offer multifunctionality in one place – giving traders a viewing platform to access many of the reports previously sent out to them, example import and export data on pre-defined reports, tariff checks, applications to apply for authorisations & simplifications, also checks for duty deferment payments online.
Therefore we invite you to review page 2 of this document for the next steps to CDS migration, more importantly including all the links to each application you will require.

Useful Checklist

You must have a valid EORI registration.

You must be registered to use CDS.

If you have a deferment account, a new direct debit will need to be created with HMRC for use with CDS.

Customs Comprehensive Guarantee number is required on all declarations when a deferment account is being used, if you have a deferment account we will need your CCG number to update our records.

CCG will also be required for Special Authorisations and Procedures, for example CFSP, inward processing relief. Special Authorisation and Procedures will also have a CDS specific authorization number.

HMRC have created various online documents to provide details of the changes.

A communication pack detailing key differences between CHIEF & CDS can be found at the below link: ain

A toolkit for businesses detailing the information is required for traders to prepare, this includes CDS Registration, direct debits, trader checklist and declarant checklist.

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